Want to do business with a business that gives back?

Thank you to our Community Supporters

Our community supporters generously provide in-kind or monetary donations to help South School’s teachers and staff. Let’s create a better learning experience together!

As community members, we support these businesses by do business with them!

Rock City Coffee roasts coffee with a cause to support our community!

Visit Jess’s Market for the freshest fish and lobster in Rockland!

Looking for legal assistance? Jesse Rutter is our go-to attorney!

Full-service property management in Midcoast Maine since 1985!

Be sure to visit our favorite locally-owned store for books & treats.

Premiere entertainment venue for the best shows in Rockland, Maine.

Yum! That olive oil & balsamic vinegar is just plain delicious!

Seagull Cottage is THE place to find that special gift!

Fresh, local, and vibrant; our community's go-to destination!

Family-friendly place with a great atmosphere and delicious food!

SIMPLE PLEASURES ALWAYS IN STORE - Just the place to find the perfect gift.

Discover pure relaxation while feeling and looking radiant.


Provides a high-quality and fairly priced food and products!

Celebrating Maine’s role in American art.

Enjoy the Maine Coast’s beauty from the deck of Morning In Maine.


Love our logo? Erin at Little Bee Impressions designed it for us!

Wooden Alchemy - The place for amazing unique wooden creations.

Hidden gems and treasures for your home await you here.

Enjoy Maine seafood in the small midcoast seaport of Rockland.

Savor the flavor at this Rockland deli: Where every bite is a delight!

Find everything you need at reasonable prices!

Got snow? Get a Fisher Plow, made right here in Rockland!

Full Family Store Offering NEW & Second-Hand, Name Brand, High Quality Consignment!

Find everything your garden needs right here!